Prehistoric walks

Prehistoric walks in Southwest Drenthe

If you would like to go on a walk to see dolmens, burial mounds, prehistoric farms or traces of World War II, then you could join the archaeological walks organised by the OERmuseum in Diever. The OERmuseum organises prehistoric walks on several days near Havelte and in Diever.

Guided walk in Diever

The guided walk in Diever starts and ends at the OERmuseum and is led by an experienced guide. Departing from the museum, you will walk towards the dolmen on Groningerweg. You will then go to the spot where Professor Van Giffen dug up a stone cist (a prehistoric stone coffin) and walk past a burial mound. Afterwards, you will stroll over the estate ‘De Heezeberg’ with its beautiful pushed moraines. The tour finishes in old Diever, from where you will return to the museum. Along the way, you will learn a lot about the formation of the landscape as we see it today: shaped by nature on the one hand, and altered by man on the other. During the walk, you will also discover the remarkable remains from prehistoric times. The archaeological walk can be perfectly combined with a visit to the museum.

Check the calendar for the exact dates of the archaeological guided walks in Diever.

Location: departure and arrival at OERmuseum
Register: or call 06 2680 2024

Guided walk on the Havelterberg

The OERmuseum regularly organises a guided walk on the Havelterberg, a geological monument from the penultimate ice age. During the walk, an experienced guide will tell you about the formation of the landscape and the life of the prehistoric inhabitants in our region. The guided walk will lead you over the beautiful Havelterberg, past clusters of burial mounds and magnificent dolmens. You will also see various remnants of World War II in the area, such as bomb craters, hangars and an airstrip. Extraordinary natural features are developing in these historical locations.

Check the calendar for the exact dates of the guided walks near Havelte.

Location: departure and arrival at information centre ‘Toegangspoort Holtingerveld’.
Register: or call 06 2680 2024
Parking: free car park


The OERmuseum also organises guided cycling tours.
Check the calendar to find out more. >>

QR treasurehunt in Diever

Another fun family activity: follow the QR trail that starts at the OERmuseum. A hike through the village and the beautiful Drents-Friese Wold National Park becomes extra fun while searching for the mammoth tags (some are quite challenging to find).

This treasure hunt is completely free and can be enjoyed at any time of the day. This walking trail in Drenthe is unique; you will follow the route using QR codes.

The trail starts at the OERmuseum and you can either follow the short or the long route. The short route is four kilometres long. You have the option of following the longer route of seven kilometres along the way.

Het museum is dagelijks (behalve op maandag) open van 13.30-17.00 uur, vanaf 28 maart t/m de Herfstvakantie (26 oktober), plus de Kerst- en Voorjaarsvakantie (15 febr. t/m 2 mrt). In de Kerstvakantie is het museum echter gesloten op 25, 26 en 31 december en op 1 januari. 

Opening hours

The OERmuseum is open from the Easter weekend to  the Autumn holidays. And in the Christmas (except for the 25th, 26th and 31st of December and the 1st of January) and Spring holidays, from 13:30 to 17:00 hours Tuesdays to Sundays.