
History's lesson

The workgroup for ‘Schools and Education’ of the OERmuseum in Diever has developed a programme on prehistory, called ‘Oerwijs’. This programme includes interesting educational material to supplement the lessons primary school pupils (group 7/8) receive on this topic.

For groups and classes from the upper grades of primary schools, the OERmuseum offers a programme with a variety of activities. This programme covers half a day. By arrangement, we can offer a programme on the Old Stone Age (the last ice age, first vegetation and first animals, reindeer hunters and their tools, hunters/gatherers), and on the New Stone Age (dolmens, burial culture, funnel cups, flint carving).

Het museum is dagelijks (behalve op maandag) open van 13.30-17.00 uur, vanaf 28 maart t/m de Herfstvakantie (26 oktober), plus de Kerst- en Voorjaarsvakantie (15 febr. t/m 2 mrt). In de Kerstvakantie is het museum echter gesloten op 25, 26 en 31 december en op 1 januari. 

Opening hours

The OERmuseum is open from the Easter weekend to  the Autumn holidays. And in the Christmas (except for the 25th, 26th and 31st of December and the 1st of January) and Spring holidays, from 13:30 to 17:00 hours Tuesdays to Sundays.