our museum

Journey through history

Experience prehistoric times at the OERmuseum and embark on a Journey through Time, from the last Ice Age to the Bronze and Iron Ages. A visit to the OERmuseum in Diever is already an experience in itself because of its charming location. The archaeological museum is located in the ‘Schultehuus’. It is the only nearly original ‘Schultehuis’ in Drenthe, the official residence for the ‘Schulte of Diever’, a kind of representative of the central authority.

At the OERmuseum, you will go on a journey of discovery through different eras. The journey starts at the last ice age with a lifelike mammoth. This is a nod to the distant past when mammoths lived in the area, as proven by preserved bones that have been found. During the same era, Neanderthals also inhabited the region of Drenthe.

Next, you enter the period of the reindeer hunters, with a replica of a reindeer hunter’s tent and clothing worn by reindeer hunters. The next time period features the hunter-gatherers. These inhabitants were also nomads and wandered around looking for their food. Gradually, people settled down and developed into farmers. They were the ones who built the dolmens.

Your ‘Journey through Time’ ends in the Bronze and Iron Ages. With dioramas, videos and interactive game elements, you will gain a better understanding of the people living and working in Drenthe so many centuries ago.


The OERmuseum also organises guided walks and cycling tours. Check the calendar to find out more. >>

Following in the footsteps of an archaeologist

The old basement contains an exhibition on archaeology: what is archaeology and what does an archaeologist do? What modern techniques are used and how should you interpret archaeological discoveries? Many of the archaeological findings in the OERmuseum come from the immediate vicinity. Experience what it feels like to literally go underground at an archaeological dig. Find out more about archaeology.

Exhibition on clothing

In the back room you will find a temporary exhibition called ‘Clothing in prehistoric times’. In this exhibition at the OERmuseum, you will see and learn all about the clothes people made and wore during different time periods.

Het museum is dagelijks (behalve op maandag) open van 13.30-17.00 uur, vanaf het Paasweekend t/m de Herfstvakantie, plus de Kerst- en Voorjaarsvakantie (15 febr. t/m 2 mrt). In de Kerstvakantie is het museum echter gesloten op 25, 26 en 31 december en op 1 januari. 

Opening hours

The OERmuseum is open from the Easter weekend to  the Autumn holidays. And in the Christmas (except for the 25th, 26th and 31st of December and the 1st of January) and Spring holidays, from 13:30 to 17:00 hours Tuesdays to Sundays.